2 Build Spots Left For 2026 skyTECH CNC

Zipline Safety Systems


The skyTECH EZLaunch from Skyline Ziplines is a modern, affordable solution to one of the highest causes of rider injury in the industry; collisions. Combining radio communication with a dual verification workflow, the chance of operator error prematurely launching a guest is significantly reduced.

The skyTECH EZLaunch boasts a lightweight, durable design that allows for quick installation, requiring only a basic mounting setup and a single connection to the skyTECH E-Launcher. Powered by an 18v power tool battery, the system supports remote installations without compromising reliability-a key advantage for courses in rugged or off-grid locations.

  • Dual-Verification Workflow – Both launch and landing operators must activate “ready” signals before a zipline guest is dispatched, ensuring all safety measures are met.
  • Automated Alerts – Visual and audible indicators (flashing/solid yellow STATE indicators, high pitched tones) help operators follow each step with clarity, reducing miscommunication.
  • Controlled Activation – A centralized red LAUNCH button prevents premature dispatches and ensures synchronized operations on tandem lines.

As ski resorts and adventure parks expand their year-round offerings, zipline safety must remain a top-priority. For zipline operators looking to enhance safety, streamline operations, and explore insurance savings, Skyline Ziplines and Granite Insurance offer a game-changing solution. Facilities implementing this technology may be eligible for insurance premium reductions of up to 15%—a significant financial incentive for zipline operators. Eligibility is subject to Granite Insurance’s evaluation.

Zipline Safe Launch

There has been a rising industry concern for rider safety and security. The skyTECH Safe Launch system aims to eliminate all foreseeable operator errors through the integration of a PLC-driven zipline safety system.

The use of an electronic launching mechanism will ensure no faulty launches occur. Once safety checks are confirmed, landing decks are cleared, and the Catch Block is properly reset, only then will the Electronic Launch Mechanism allow a launch. Magnetic Gates are also in place on the launching side of the take-off tower that only open once the landing deck is cleared and brakes are reset and before the e-launchers are triggered.

The Zipline Safe Brake system utilizes a proximity sensor and/or RFID sensor positioned above/below the primary brake block. If the brake is not 100% reset, the take-off and launch tower will be notified on their monitoring panels that the system is incapable of braking properly. This visual notification is paired with disabling the launch device. The PLC redundancy guarantees the employee in charge of launch procedures will not send the rider if the brake system is improperly reset, further improving zipline safety.

Throughout 2020, the development of the skyTECH Safe Launch system continued to bring further unprecedented levels of operational oversight, safety, and efficiency. The next phase of this zipline safety equipment includes client-to-asset tracking that brings another level of redundancy into the PLC for launching procedures and will allow the tracking of equipment use for a higher level of safety assurance with enhanced maintenance and inspection abilities.

Clients will be tracked by their gear through RFID to assure their physical characteristics match the appropriate sizing and weight limits of their assigned gear. In addition to RFID brake reset protocols that integrate with inspection software, the system features fully redundant inputs to mitigate the risk of operator error to near zero.


Studies have shown that a large part of zipline accidents come directly from operator error. With that said, gear and maintenance come second when referring to the statistics and our experience dealing with our competitors. Going forward, we at Skyline have recognized the industry-wide necessity for a product like Safe Launch to mitigate our customers exposure to danger and not leave the clients’ lives in operators’ hands, as we know it only takes one mistake.

There’s no doubt that injuries have increased as ziplining has become more popular—although the exact number of people who zipline each year is unknown. Many injuries that occur are due to issues with equipment; having the right zip line safety equipment is a key factor in preventing injuries and accidents. Let’s make Safe Launch an industry standard!


Skyline has taken strides in revolutionizing safety in the ziplining industry. As more and more people turn to ziplines for thrill-seeking and fun, equipment and safety features must be able to handle the demand. Inspections ensure there are no unforeseen hazards. Combined with state-of-the-art safety features and our extremely reliable braking system, high speeds, impacts, and overly enthusiastic riders won’t create undue risk.

By including multiple mechanical, visual, and electronic safety protocols, this piece of zipline safety equipment will reduce the risk of rider injury to near zero. Many direct and indirect benefits come out of the combined zipline safety equipment technologies that will make this system a reality.

The system will increase site revenues by a healthy amount with the possibility of integrating automated photo capture and sales, digital waivers, and having the entire system enabled by RFID for operational safety and system monitoring.


At Skyline Ziplines, safety is our highest priority, from site design, engineering, and fabrication to construction and installation, training and operational support. We also conduct ACCT-accredited safety inspections to cover all the moving parts of a zipline system and factors such as speed, height, and stability. All the equipment is high-strength and durable, but we’ve gone even further by developing advanced electronic safety systems that constantly monitor operating conditions and minimize the risk of operator error.

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